Reflection of a Vampire #19


ON the hospital, Rosalie was in the ER. The doctor examined her and blood was tapped from her for laboratory test.


Rosalie have to stay in the hospital for further examinations. Her urine and stool were examined.


Doctors examined and interviewed Rosalie. Later all the doctors that examined Rosalie agreed to a conclusion that Rosalie’s case is PCT. Porphyria Cutanea Tarda.


Rosalie had a blood disorder that affect her skin. Her disorder was familial, this disorder runs in the family.


Rosalie was given medicines and a lot of vitamins. The doctor said if the medicines would not work, they will do further test to her, for the meantime she must avoid sunlight, as the doctor said she have the PCT or what the medical world also called the vampire disease.


DANIEL was shocked when he have to take Rosalie from the hospital home. The pretty face of Rosalie was full of blisters and some were already crusting and scarring.


Daniel tried his best not to let Rosalie saw his shock. He also even could not understand why Rosalie was discharged from the hospital at night.


“I was shocked to learn you was confined in the hospital,” Daniel said to Rosalie as he was driving.


“Thank you for taking me home.” Rosalie thanks Daniel.


“I will do everything for you, you know that. What happened to you. Are you allergy of something?” Daniel asked Rosalie.


“Yes and no.” Rosalie answered Daniel.


“I don’t understand. What do you mean by yes and no?” Daniel could not get what Rosalie meant by her answer.


“I had a disease, they called it PCT and I am allergic to sunlight.” Rosalie told Daniel what she had.


“Oh, how come? You always had direct contact with sunlight and you never had that blisters. Why so sudden?” Daniel could not understand how it happened so suddenly. Daniel presumed then that the discharged from the hospital was on night for Rosalie to avoid the sunlight.


“I don’t know.” Short answer from Rosalie.


The car of Daniel stopped at the front door of Rosalie’s house. Daniel quickly came out the car and opened the door of the car where Rosalie sit and he helped her.


“I’ll bring you inside.” Daniel wanted to help Rosalie until inside her house.


“No, it’s not necessary. I can manage. I am not that sick. I only have blisters that’s all.” Rosalie said to Daniel.


“Okay.” And Daniel kissed Rosalie softly on her lips. “Have a good sleep, you need it.”


“Thank you, Daniel.”


“Good night, Sweetie!” and Daniel came back to his car to drove farther into his house.


Rosalie opened her front door and did the lights on. Before she closed the door, she look around the house and was relieved there’s nothing noticeable.


Rosalie went directly to her bedroom and was surprised, the little night lamp on the side table near her bed was on. She saw Queen Riza sitting on her bed.


“Where are you, I am worried.” Queen Riza greeted Rosalie with a question.  


“I was confined in the hospital for one day and one night.” Rosalie answered Queen Riza.


“Hospital, what is that?” Queen Riza doesn’t know what a hospital is.


“Hospital is where sick people were attended.” Rosalie answered.


“You was sick?” Queen Riza asked.


“You do not see, look!” Rosalie came near to Queen Riza and let her see her face,


“What happened to your face, you look ugly!” Queen Riza was surprised to see the face of Rosalie.


“The sun damage it, my skin could not bear sunlight!”


“Oh, No!” Queen Riza exclaimed. “That could not be true!”


“It is true. You see what the sunlight had done to my face, my arms and my legs. I could not do anymore my work as a city steward.” Rosalie said.


“It will be cured! Don’t worry about it.” Queen Riza assured Rosalie that what she had could be cured.


Rosalie changed her clothes and when she had her pajama on, she heard the door opened and closing.


“Prince Suryabhan!” Queen Riza said. “Come, sit here with me.”


Rosalie sits near Queen Riza and waited the door of her bedroom. Indeed, after a while it opened, Prince Suryabhan as Martin have two young women with him. The women seemed trance that they even did not noticed Rosalie who was setting on the bed. They just walked with Prince Suryabhan into the mirror.


“They were the sixth and the seventh that entered the mirror.” Queen Riza said.


“You mean already seven women had entered the mirror? What will he do with all the women?”


“You do not have to ask it, you know already the answer. We are vampires Eliazora! But I do not like he made himself busy with those women.” Queen Riza answered Rosalie that she don’t have to ask. Rosalie already know because they were vampires.


“Can you not stop him?” Rosalie asked Queen Riza if she cannot stop Prince Suryabhan.


“I cannot stop him, I had no power on him!” Queen Riza replied that she cannot stopped Prince Suryabhan. “But you, you could stop him!”


“Me? How could I stop him?”  Rosalie asked Queen Riza how she could stop Prince Suryabhan.


“I’ll tell it you later, not now!” Queen Riza was not fully decided yet if she would tell Rosalie what she must do to stop Prince Suryabhan.


Because of her sickness, Rosalie was on sick leave. Her doctor said she was not capable to do her job yet.


To avoid direct contact to sunlight, Rosalie just stayed home. Daniel would come along to look how she was, but he do not stay long. He was busy with his work.


The team of detectives were puzzled. The homeless man who was prisoned as every one thought he was the one who killed his friend, was really convincing about a woman that was there in the square when the crime happened. Roger whom Daniel was partnered with let seen to the homeless man, photos of several women and he emphatically recognized the photo of Rosalie as the woman who was there when the crime happened. Daniel had a dilemma.


THE case of the man in the bicycle who also was decapitated with thorough investigation, also was pointing to Rosalie as the person of interest. The woman who worked in the Pancake Booth also recognized Rosalie as the woman who mounted on the bike of the man that later was found dead and decapitated.


The case of Martin, Rosalie’s ex-husband, the police detectives have difficulties in placing the pieces on the puzzle. Martin was by Rosalie with a paper to let Rosalie signed and that was the selling of the house where Rosalie still live which was still their common property but according to witnesses, Martin was or did not came out the house and just vanished.


The cases of Agnes and her brother Tim, have the same pattern as of Martin. There are witnesses that emphasized they saw the two came inside the house of Rosalie and they were never seen after.


“You was in that house, Daniel, did you not notice that maybe there’s a dungeon and the people were just there, they could not just disappeared without a trace.” Armand, the leader of the Team asked Daniel about the interior of Rosalie’s house.


“The line of apartments where Rosalie’s house and of mine, were built with the same design and lay-out. I do not believe that there’s a dungeon in Rosalie’s house, because my house has no dungeon either.” Daniel answered the query of Armand.


“Maybe she dug, how long she lived in that house?” Tony asked.


“I think her marriage with Martin stayed more than three years, and after the divorce Rosalie lived there now for almost two years.” Daniel told his colleagues about how long Rosalie lived in her house.


“You know a lot about Rosalie?” Armand asked Daniel.


“I think it’s better you tell them that you have a relationship with Rosalie.” Roger, the partner of Daniel said.


“And how is a Filipina?” one colleague asked Daniel.


“What do you mean by that?” Daniel’s face became red.

“Nothing, I am just asking how a Filipina is. I never done it with an Asian, I just want to know.”


“Mind your own business and for your information, I am planning, her, to be my wife!” Daniel told his colleagues. Everybody were silent when they saw that Daniel was serious and had no sense to joke about Rosalie.


“Let be back to our investigations. Daniel, I hope your relationship with Rosalie would not conflict with our work.” Armand said to Daniel.


“I am willing to inhibit. I can go back to my patrol car.” Daniel answered Armand.


“For the moment, it’s not necessary. What we have at this moment were only theories. If it is concrete that Rosalie was our person of interest, then I will talk to you about this matter.” Armand concluded.


FOURTEEN days passed after Rosalie was released from the hospital she must come back to the doctor.


On the other hand, in these fourteen days, Prince Suryabhan had victimized more than a dozen young women.


Prince Suryabhan brought these women into the mirror, and what he was doing with this women, Rosalie had less concerned. She was more worried about her situation. The blisters in her face, arms and legs were still the same. The medicines that the doctor prescribed to her seemed not working.


She was again examined by doctors that were surprised that the medicines given to Rosalie did not work.


Again the doctors suggested hospitalization for one day, at the same time during confinement, tests will be done and doctors will do therapeutic phlebotomy.


Five hundred milliliter blood will be extracted from Rosalie and this will happen once a week.


“Extract blood from you, what are they? Are they vampires?” Queen Riza said to Rosalie when she asked about Rosalie’s condition and Rosalie told her about the therapeutic phlebotomy.


“They are not vampires! They are doctors, the cure sick people!” Rosalie replied to Queen Riza’s comments.


“Vampires then are like doctors,” Queen Riza said.


“You cannot compare it. Vampires do not cure, they suck blood for satisfaction.” Rosalie answered Queen Risa.


“Okay,”  Queen Riza did not argued. “I think you are now convinced that you are not a vampire.”


“I am not a vampire.” Rosalie answered Queen Riza.


The conversation between Rosalie and Queen Riza stopped when they heard opening and closing of the door.


They saw later, Prince Suryabhan as Martin entered the bedroom of Rosalie with two young women and then the vanished into the mirror.


Suddenly, they heard a loud sound as the front door of the house of Rosalie was forcedly opened.


Policemen stormed the house of Rosalie and three of them entered the bedroom of Rosalie who was busy packing personal things to her stay in the hospital. Rosalie was shocked. Almost middle of the night, the police raided unexpectedly.


The police have a search warrant.


“Where are they?” one police officer asked Rosalie.


“I do not know who you are looking for. I am alone here, there’s nobody.” Rosalie answered the police officer.


“We saw them entering this house!” one policeman said.


“I do not know what you are talking about. I am alone, I saw nobody,” Rosalie told the policeman that she saw nobody entering the house.


The policemen look at every corner of Rosalie’s room, even under the bed but they found nobody. Queen Riza who was invincible to the policemen were just standing and irritated by the storming of the police on Rosalie’s house.


The other policemen also search every corner of the house from the kitchen, the living room, they looked every inch of it with no result.


Queen Riza decided to release her irritation by playing to one of the police. She slapped the police behind his neck.


“Why you slap me?” the police asked the other.


“I did not!” answered the police that was asked. “Why will I slap you?”


Queen Riza kicked the third policeman that groaned then in pain. After a while, the three policemen realized there’s, something strange happening to them. They rushed out the room and Queen Riza laughed. *to be continued* Remy Dorio