Lorena Gabayoyo Reading
Ponergy Calculation:
The name Lorena Gabayoyo has a number three (3). It is oneven number that means she is extrovert, a leader, a doer, motivated, dominant, hard, and ambitious. This characterestic combine both the masculine and feminine traits that resulted to a personality that is warm. honest, open, and trustworthy or straight forward. The combination of masculine and feminine characterestic give also a dark side as opposite of the positive, therefore Lorena as true to other people with oneven number must learn to take the midden way, to learn how to balance every steps they take in their life.
May 24, 1968 was Lorena's birthdate and has an even number eight (8). Even and oneven numbers could never have a unity when describing one's personality. The traits a number acquired from your name were formed from your sorroundings, while the traits from the number that comes out from the birthdate were from your ancestors, it runs in the blood, it's hereditary.
Using these two numbers, the number from your name and the number from your birthdate, one could calculate the positive and negative rhythm in your life. You can use the rhythm to predict what will happen to any activities you're planning to do in a certain date.
For instance we take the date March 11, 2025. Lorena has a job interview. By knowing if this date is positive or negative, it will predict the outcome of this interview. I calculated this date has a number of five (5).
This day March 11, 2025 has a positive outcome to whatever Lorena activities are. So there's a big chance, she could have the job she is applying for.
Moonology Reading:
Now we learn that with Ponergy, Lorena posibly will have a positive outcome. Now, I will draw an oracle card for her and we see what the cards say.
The events says it already, communication because it's a job interview. Lorena must be careful in answering questions because the interviewer seems approachable and flirting to her but the person was thoughrolly observing her good in all aspects, her words, her gestures and so on. She must be calm and think good before answering any question. After the interview Lorena could directly know if she have the job, but if the interviewer says, she will notify her later, then forget it, you did not pass the interview, you will not have the job. In one word, the success of the day is on Lorena's hand. So be prepared, stay calm and be confident during the interview.
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Date of birth is: 22-08:1948
This is very interesting