Reflection of a Vampire #16


Tim pushed Rosalie hard and then entered the house of Rosalie at the same shouting the name of Agnes “Agnes! Agnes!”


Rosalie was angry but subdued herself. She closed the door and followed Tim.


“I am asking you to get out of my house!” Rosalie in a soft voice asked Tim to go out from her house.


Tim did not answered her. He kept looking at every corner of the house looking for Agnes until Rosalie saw he entered her bedroom.


“You cannot enter my bedroom!” Rosalie voice raised but Tim did not listen. Rosalie followed Tim and she was shocked. She saw Tim walking into the mirror as Tim see it as just an open door, then the mirror blurred and returned to its normal.


Rosalie then knew, Tim like Martin and Agnes will never come back to the real world.


Rosalie went out her room, come to the living room and sit in the sofa. She opened the TV and the coverage about what happened in Kralingse Bos, about a man that was decapitated just started.


According to the coverage, the man was seen with a woman he picked up near the snack bar, and people believe a hooker. There was a sketch according to the description of a witness, and Rosalie was shocked. The sketch looked like her.


The four teenagers was also interviewed and they have it about vampire and a witch. Their descriptions of what they believe as twins also answers to the description of the sketch but the newscaster discarded it as pure nonsense when they talked to the police that the boys that night were stoned with drugs and alcohol.


Then Rosalie heard again banging on her door. Rosalie thought she must the doorbell let be repaired as soon as possible because the banging of the door disturbed the neighbor and it was very annoying.


Rosalie did not open her door but looked at the peep hole and she saw a woman standing on the front of the door.


“What do you want?” Rosalie asked.


“I am the wife of Tim, tell him I am here,” the woman answered Rosalie.


“There’s no Tim here, and I do not know who he is,” Rosalie denied about Tim.


“I saw him just entered this door!” the woman insisted.


“Go away, there’s no Tim in here,” and Rosalie went back in the living room and just sit.


The woman outside was angry and she kept banging the door but Rosalie just ignored it. Later the woman shouted.


“If you will not open the door, I will call the police!”


Rosalie did not reacted and she only mumbled to herself, “Call!”


The woman did indeed called the police for after half an hour a police car stopped in front of Rosalie’s house. The police knocked.


Rosalie opened the door.


“Good evening, Ma’am. This woman said her husband is inside your house,” the police said to Rosalie.


“I told her, I don’t know who her husband is and there’s nobody that came in the house.” Rosalie politely answered the officer.


“Thank you, Ma’am,”


The two police talk to each other for a while then they told the woman who said she was the wife of Tim to go home. When the police car went away, Rosalie closed the door of her house and decided to go to bed without eating supper. She lost her appetite. She put out all the light in the house and let just the small lamp on.


While lying on her bed, Rosalie saw Queen Riza standing near her.




“Go away, you put me in trouble!” Rosalie told Queen Riza to go away.


“Don’t worry about things. Everything will be alright!” Queen Riza said.


“Just leave me alone. You can come out the mirror already without my reflection. You don’t need me anymore!” Rosalie said.


“I always can come out the mirror without your reflection. I just let you believe that I need your reflection,” Queen Riza  told Rosalie that since, she doesn’t need the reflection of Rosalie in coming out the mirror.


“And why you let me believe that?” Rosalie asked.


“The problem with you Rosalie is that you worry too much. Come we have to come out the house.” Queen Riza told Rosalie that she like to come out.


“I don’t like to come out. You can go alone by yourself. You have powers, you can let yourself invincible, you can fly and what had you done with the man in the bicycle?” Rosalie asked Queen Riza about the man that was decapitated at Kralingse Bos.


“You are angry to me.” Queen Riza said.


“Yes, I am angry to you, you killed people! I wonder why you don’t kill me!” Rosalie admitted to Queen Riza that she was indeed angry to her.


Queen Riza laughed to what Rosalie said.


“I could not kill you, you are my sister, remember?”


“But why kill people? You cut off the head of that man and I cannot understand why you do that?” Rosalie wanted to know why Queen Riza killed people.


“Alright, do you really want to know?” Queen Riza asked.


“Yes, tell me,” Rosalie sit straight on her bed.


“Eliazora, you know we are vampires.” Queen Riza said.


“What Eliazora? Why have you called me again by that name? What vampires? Who are the vampires?” Rosalie looked at Queen Riza.


“We! You and I are vampires!” Queen Riza said to Rosalie that they were both vampires.


“I am not a vampire! I can come out during day. I can endure sunlight. Vampires no.” Rosalie denied to Queen Riza that she was not a vampire.


“Yes, that is one of your power. You are a vampire but you can endure sunlight.” Queen Riza insisted to Rosalie that Rosalie was a vampire.


Rosalie laughed.


“You can laugh Eliazora, but I am telling you the truth you are a vampire!”


“I am also telling you that I am not a vampire! Vampires suck blood, me, I don’t do that,” Rosalie will not accept that she was a vampire. 


“You are a vampire but you do not know it yet. Did you buy for me something?” Queen Riza insisted that Rosalie was a vampire and at the same time asked if Rosalie bought her something which she meant the smartphone.


“I do not understand why you need it.” Rosalie mumbled, as she understood that what Queen Riza meant by something was the smartphone.


“I like also to do what you are doing, so you have to learn it me.” Queen Riza answered Rosalie.


“You want many things, could you not give me a little rest?” Rosalie said to Queen Riza.


“You never change. You are still the same Eliazora who has no time for her little sister.” Queen Riza was pouting.


“I don’t like that name! Will you please stop calling me that?” Rosalie asked Queen Riza to stop calling her as Eliazora.


“Okay, if that is what you like. Now, where is that thing for me, I am so excited.”


 “Before I give and learn it you, you have to promise me to do one thing for me.” Rosalie said that before she will give the smartphone to Queen Riza, she must do something for her.


“And what is that?”


“There is a coffee shop where Martin and Agnes always standby. They knew most of the people there. I want you as Agnes and Prince Suryabhan as Martin to come there, let the people there see you both, and then after a while you both could go away.”


“And why I have to do that?”


“Because the people suspected me that I did something to them because they disappeared in my house. But if the people can see them the suspicion will go away.”

Rosalie explained why she wanted Queen Riza to do what she requested from her.


“Easy, the question is, if Prince Suryabhan will do it.” Queen Riza said.


“Make him do it. You are a woman and he is your husband.” Rosalie told Queen Riza that she must do her best to convinced Prince Suryabhan.


“By vampires it has no meaning.” Queen Riza said.


“What do you mean?” Rosalie doesn’t understand.


“Vampires are swinging people! Having a husband or a wife is just a stand.” Queen Riza elaborated what she said that by vampires having a husband had no meaning at all but only for status.


Rosalie laughed.


“Why you laugh?” Queen Riza asked Rosalie why she laughed.


“I do not know that vampires also have status. I find it funny.” Rosalie answered.


“You have to know it, you are a vampire.” Queen Riza said.


“I am not a vampire. You could insist that to me, but I am not.”


“Since from the start you know it because you was and never afraid of me and Prince Suryabhan. You even asked me now to be Agnes, because you know, we vampires could change our image, we could be who we will be.” Queen Riza said.


“You want to learn how to use a CP? I will learn it you now, so that I can go away and I could sleep.” Rosalie changed the topic.


“Okay, and then maybe I can call Martin. You said that with that machine, you could talk to someone far away.” Queen Riza was already thinking to use the smartphone to call Martin, the man Rosalie had an adventure with in the Kralingse Bos.


Rosalie looked at Queen Riza. “Which Martin are you talking about?”


“You know which Martin. The Martin, in there,  where you learn how to fly. I like that man. I like to taste him.” Queen Riza with a smile in her face.


“Not his blood, I hope.” Rosalie said.


“Don’t worry. We vampires do not always think of blood only. I like to taste something from him, not the red but the white! Hahaha!” and the laughed of Queen Riza filled the room.


Rosalie learned Queen Riza how to use the smartphone she bought for her. Queen Riza was so interested and fascinated especially when she saw a video from You Tube. She could not understand how the modern people could transfer themselves to the small thing and just keep moving. No vampire could do such magic.


Rosalie was sleeping and did not noticed Queen Riza and Prince Suryabhan who was standing at the end of her bed as Agnes and Martin.


Queen Riza had convinced Prince Suryabhan to do what Rosalie had requested, in change of a promise from Queen Riza.


Queen Riza promised to agree what Prince Suryabhan want.


Prince Suryabhan want to have a child with Rosalie. A child that will grow and mingle with normal human beings.


Rosalie will not be like them, moth smelling vampires from the past. They will just let Rosalie develop the powers she had, that she doesn’t discovered yet.


Because Queen Riza agreed to the proposition, Prince Suryabhan granted her freedom to swing as much as she can.


Queen Riza was glad, because she could not take out from her mind the charming and handsome Martin. She thought to herself she will have good times with him. She just want to enjoy and to have fun.


After a while observing Rosalie who slept soundly, Queen Riza and Prince Suryabhan decided to do what they must do that night. They went to the kitchen.


They opened the small window that served as ventilation in the kitchen.


They then transformed themselves into pigeons and away they flew to look for the coffee shop where they could mingle with the people there as Martin and Agnes. Just mingled with the people and have fun.


While flying around, Queen Riza noticed the same car that Martin had. She saw Martin sitting in his car with a woman and they were kissing each other. Queen Riza was jealous and she dive down. Prince Suryabhan just follow her. Queen Riza want to do something. *to be continued* Remy Dorio