Reflection of a Vampire #17


Queen Riza as a pigeon, defecated precisely in between the faces of Martin and the woman, and Prince Suryabhan did not understand but did it also when Queen Riza told him that he must do it. Then they flew away and Queen Riza was dented with laughter. Prince Suryabhan knew that Queen Riza was naughty but also laughed when they saw down the reaction of the two.


“Crazy pigeon! It enters my mouth, the dirt!” the woman said that doesn’t know how to spit out the dirt from her mouth, later making a sound of like vomiting.


“What those birds are doing? Flying by night and like with purpose did it.” Martin also the same, how he tried to spit out the dirt that also came in his mouth.


Flying by the side of Queen Riza, Prince Suryabhan asked Queen Riza.


“Why you do it, teasing those people?”


“I just want to have fun!” Queen Riza replied that still have a smile in her face.


As they continue flying around as pigeons, Queen Riza and Prince Suryabhan spotted the coffee shop Rosalie had about.


They landed in a secluded place and transform themselves into the person of Martin, the ex-husband of Rosalie, and Agnes. And they entered the coffee shop.


“Hey, the missing couple are here!” one man exclaimed and came to Prince Suryabhan. “Where were you? We missed you!”


Prince Suryabhan as Martin just smile and shook hand with the man when the man gave his hand for a shake.


“We were in a camping site for sideline, you know earning some extra money, so Guys, if we are not around, you know already the reason.” Queen Riza as Agnes told to the people an acceptable reason.


“We’re talking that maybe you were already dead, that the crazy Filipina ex of Daniel already had disposed both of you!” another man  said.


“Dispose where? She’s a small woman, how could she win from me?” Prince Suryabhan answered.


“Well, she’s not bad looking that Asian ex of yours,” A man that sits in front of the one-armed bandit machine said as he chuckle. “Maybe I will come along to her one time.”


“Really? Are you attractive to Rosalie?” Queen Riza as Agnes who was watching him playing the machine, asked the man.


The man looked at where Prince Suryabhan was and then whispers to the ear of Queen Riza. “I am more attracted to you!”


“Really?” then Queen Riza whispered back to the man, “if you can manage to go at the back maybe we can do a quicky!”


Again the man looked at Prince Suryabhan that he thought was Martin and then in  a soft voice said to Queen Riza, “Go first, I will follow.”


Not long, the man and Queen Riza were at the back, and the romance, the man thought, began. He was in tranced as Queen Riza kissed him and later at the same time romancing him, buried into his neck the two long teeth and sucked his blood.


When Queen Riza came back inside, she saw Prince Suryabhan drinking alcohol with the men, Riza came to him and whisper to his ear. “You cannot fly if you are drunk.”


Upon hearing, Prince Suryabhan stopped with drinking alcohol and said to the men that they will go.


Not yet five minutes, a man rushed into the coffee shop.


“He’s dead! He’s dead!” the man was shouting. He was very pale.


“Who is dead?”


“Oscar! He’s dead!” the man was shocked as he pointing to the people where he the dead person he called Oscar found.


Many of the men, went to the place he was pointing, it was at the back of the coffee shop. There, they found Oscar was dead, and was decapitated.


“What happen? I saw him just playing the fruit machine inside!” one of the men said.


“Who would do this to him?”


It was a puzzle for all who were there. Oscar was just a quiet man, if he was in the coffee shop, he mind nobody. He just sit in front of the fruit machine and play. Then one of the man said. “I saw him followed Agnes in here.”


“Followed Agnes? And what Agnes was doing in here?”


“If you ask me, I don’t know.”

“Where are they, Martin and Agnes?”


And they looked for Martin and Agnes or actually Queen Riza and Prince Suryabhan but they were gone.


The police was called and everyone have it about Martin and Agnes, and they believed that the couple did the crime.


Because it was the third crime of decapitating in the city, the police was puzzled. Who was the killer and why the victims were decapitated?


Also, because the crime happened where there were many but no one saw what and who did it, the police formed a group to investigate and to catch the criminal responsible of the crimes.


Top on the list of the police as persons of interest were Martin, the ex-husband of Rosalie, and his girlfriend Agnes.


Rosalie was not a person of interest after what had happened in the coffee shop. Martin and Agnes were no more missing but the police don’t know where to find them.


But Rosalie was not yet off from the wife of Tim, the brother of Agnes.


Saturday, Rosalie wanted to confront Queen Riza about the people that in Rosalie’s mind were held prisoner by Prince Suryabhan and Queen Riza but she could not do it yet.


She only can have conversation with Queen Riza at night but tonight she could not do it, because she have a date with Daniel and at seven o’clock in the evening Daniel

will come to take her out. Rosalie hope to have a good time with Daniel and she thought who knows what this date would bring between her and Daniel.


At front of the mirror  Rosalie was convinced she looked lovely not knowing that behind the mirror Prince Suryabhan was angry because he know, Rosalie has a date with Daniel.


Queen Riza who was standing also behind the mirror saw that Prince Suryabhan was angry because Rosalie have a date with Daniel.


“Why are you angry, it was only a date?” Queen Riza asked Prince Suryabhan why he was angry when it is only a date.


“We already have an agreement. I want to have a child with Rosalie.” Prince Suryabhan answered Queen Riza.


“Just wait. You can have your child with her, have patient.” Queen Riza said to Prince Suryabhan that he really could have her child with Rosalie.


“It’s just a date. If you like I could watch them and you will know what they are doing in their date.” Queen Riza suggested to watch Rosalie and Daniel on their date so that Prince Suryabhan would know what will happen.


“I could also do that self.” Prince Suryabhan said.


“How? Whose shadow will you borrow? Not the shadow of Daniel because the police was looking for him. Tim, he was missing and cannot be seen, while me, I have the shadow of Rosalie, her reflection.”


Prince Suryabhan thought that Queen Riza was right. He must have a fast someone’s shadow so that he can self manifest into, thus he must wait.


“Be sure than that Daniel could not plant his seed into Rosalie!” Prince Suryabhan agreed the proposition of Queen Riza to be present in Rosalie and Daniel’s date.


But actually, Queen Riza have something in her mind. She has no plan to watch Rosalie with her date with Daniel, her plan is Martin, not the ex of Rosalie but Martin the other guy who seemed a playboy.


Queen Riza was attracted to Martin the playboy and she thought, it would be nice to have fun with the guy.


Daniel while driving his car, almost can not take his eyes from Rosalie. Before Rosalie hardly can be noticed because she was shy and dressed casually, but he noticed Rosalie was changed.


Rosalie became a little assertive and dressed herself different. Like now, Rosalie look grandiose and Daniel like it. He think, he was falling in love with this petite Filipina.


Rosalie on the other hand as she was sitting by the side of Daniel felt uneasy. Queen Riza was also in the car sitting at the back seat. Rosalie could not talk because what would Daniel think? Queen Riza was invisible to Daniel’s eyes.


Rosalie have the chance to talk to Queen Riza when Daniel stopped his car in a gasoline station to tank his car.


When Daniel steeped out the car, Rosalie talked to Queen Riza in a subdued voice.


“Why are you with us, you are ruining my date.”


“I am not ruining your date, I also have my date.” Queen Riza answered Rosalie with a smile.


“A date?” Rosalie was surprised, she hardly could not believed what Queen Riza said.


“You have a date, I also must have a date.” Queen Riza answered Rosalie.


“And who is your date?” Rosalie asked.


“Martin, not you ex, but another Martin.” Queen Riza answered and chuckled.


“How do you know you have a date with him?” Rosalie could not understand how Queen Riza could have a date with Martin, how they contacted each other.


“I called him, of course as you, not me.” Queen Riza answered. “I’d used the phone you bought for me.”


“So, Martin was thinking he will have a date with me, not you?” Rosalie was confused.


“Not you but me, but of course because I am using your shadow, he will see me as you and I have to thank that to the reflection of yours to me.” Queen Riza said.


“You are crazy! I will be in two places at the same time!” Rosalie said.


“Yes, only the other Rosalie is me!” Queen Riza said.


“If you have a date with that Martin, why are you here in  the car with us?” Rosalie asked Queen Riza.


“Don’t you worry, I am gone before you know it.” Queen Riza replied.


The conversation of Rosalie and Queen Riza stopped when they both saw Daniel walking toward the car.


After a while driving, Daniel parked his car at the parking garage that was situated near a hotel. The hotel had a view of the Erasmus Bridge that connect the center of the city to the south side of Rotterdam.


Before they stepped out the car, Daniel wanted even to talk with Rosalie. Rosalie saw that Queen Riza was not anymore in the car, she was gone.


“I want to have a talk with you, if you don’t mind,” Daniel told Rosalie that he want to talk with her.


“What will we talk about?” Rosalie was surprised.


“I hope you will not angry.” Daniel was a little nervous.


“Why I will be angry with you? What do you want to talk to me?”  Rosalie was a little confused, she could not guess what Daniel wanted to say to her and that he thought maybe she will be angry.


Daniel for a moment was silent, he don’t know how to say to Rosalie what’s in his mind. Rosalie, said nothing, she just wait.


“Rosalie, please if you do not like it, just say no.” Daniel talked.


Rosalie still said no words.


“Rosalie, I booked a room for us in the hotel.” Daniel nervously said it to Rosalie looking straight to her face to see what’s her reaction.


“A room?” Rosalie asked.


“Yes, in there we will have our privacy, we could just order our food there and enjoy the night.” Daniel told to Rosalie his plan for the night.


“If you do not like, just tell me. I will not be angry and I will not force you, but of course I like it very much if you said yes.” Daniel continued.


Rosalie did not answered and Daniel became nervous but then he saw Rosalie gave him a smile. Daniel saw it as a yes and overjoyed, he softly grab Rosalie to him and kissed her with much passion. Rosalie returned back the kiss with the same passion, and they both know, that the kiss was just a foreplay for a wonderful night together.


Queen Riza was standing in front of the Bijenkorf. She looked exactly as Rosalie as she copied even the color of Rosalie’s lipstick.


Few minutes later, she saw the car of Martin slowly and with the engine still on, Martin opened the door of the car and called Queen Riza.




Queen Riza, quickly stepped in the car, closed the door and Martin drove his car.


“Rosalie, you look so beautiful tonight.” Martin gave a compliment to Queen Riza which he thought was Rosalie.


“Really?” the vampire Queen Riza was flattered.


“Oh, yes, you are a pretty woman and you know it. I like your way. You are not afraid to say or to do what you want.” Martin said to Queen Riza what he thought about her.


“Like what?” Queen Riza asked.


“Like that night in the Kralingse Bos, I could not forget you after that. It was really a fantastic night.” Martin had it about his experience with the real Rosalie.


“We can do it again if you like.” Queen Riza said.


“Alright! The same place?” Martin was excited. What Martin meant was the square in Kralingse Bos.


“The same place!” Queen Riza answered Martin.


Martin then drove his car to the direction of the Kralingse Bos.


In the same square, where Martin and Rosalie was, Queen Riza and Martin also did it without knowing that the four teenagers that Queen Riza before had  encountered were there also. This time they were not drinking alcohol and smoking no weeds. The four teenagers came back on the place to have proof that they really had seen a vampire and a witch.


The teenagers had seen how Martin and Queen Riza made love. They just keep quiet as they were peeping to the two, Martin and Queen Riza as they were busy of what they were doing.


After their wild lovemaking, the mobile phone of Martin rings. Martin looked who was calling him but did not answered the call.


“I am sorry, Rosalie. It was a missed call from my sister.” Martin said to Queen Riza.


“You did not answered it.” Queen Riza said.


“It was a missed call, maybe she had no load on her phone. I must go to her.” Martin said that he must go to his sister. “It could be an emergency.”


“Okay, if it is a must than it must be.” Queen Riza said and together they walked toward the car of Martin.


“I will dropped you to your house.” Martin suggested to brought Queen Riza back to the house of Rosalie as he thought Queen Riza was Rosalie.


“Of course. I will be very thankful!” Queen Riza said in a voice that sounded or had the tone of disappointment.


When Martin stopped his car in front of Rosalie’s house, Queen Riza opened the door of the car to come out, but then she acted like she fainted.


“Rosalie, what happen?” Martin asked and quickly came out from his car and come to Queen Riza to help her. Martin doesn’t know that it was only drama of Queen Riza.


“I suddenly feel not so good. Will you please, help me to go inside the house?” Queen Riza was luring Martin to come inside the house. Martin doesn’t know that Queen Risa had something not good to him.


Martin then helped Queen Riza to the house and when they were inside, Queen Riza said.


“I want to lie on bed, please bring me to my bed.” Queen Riza continued her acting. Martin complied to her request.


After Martin helped Queen Riza to the bed, “If you want me to stay, I will stay until you feel better.” Martin said to Queen Riza.


Queen Riza saw that Prince Suryabhan was standing behind Martin.


“No, it will be okay, you can go.” Queen Riza answered Martin.


“Okay,” Martin bowed to kiss Queen Riza. “See you soon!”


After saying it to Queen Riza, Martin turned his back to go out the room and he was aghast as he saw Prince Suryabhan standing. Prince Suryabhan borrowed the reflection of Tim, a big robust man and Prince Suryabhan was angry looking at Martin.


“Who, who are you? Where did you came from?” Martin was stammering as he did not expected it.


Prince Suryabhan did not answered Martin. He suddenly grabbed him in the neck with his strong big hands and pushed Martin to the mirror that was just next the bed.


When Martin was inside the mirror, Prince Suryabhan returned to Queen Riza who was already out the bed and standing.


“Who was that man? Why did you brought him here? I told you to watch Rosalie?” Prince Suryabhan was angry to Queen Riza.


“I lured him here for you.” Queen Riza answered. “You can use his reflection, you can come out every night and with his look, you can attract many young and fresh women.”


When Prince Suryabhan heard what Queen Riza said he suddenly became calm. He thought, Queen Riza was right, with the look of Martin, he could attract many young women which he had not for a very long time.


“Where is Rosalie?” a subdued Prince Suryabhan asked where Rosalie was.


“Forget Rosalie. If you dream to have a child, you must choose a woman with a white fair skin. Rosalie is brown and small. You cannot blame her, that’s her race.  I could not understand why she was reborn as an Asian, Eliazora. Rosalie has the same face as Eliazora but do not have the body, tall and stately.” Queen Riza did not gave Prince Suryabhan the chance to think. 


It works, Prince Suryabhan absorbed all what Queen Riza said. Outside, there were many young white women. He can choose a woman that would bear his child. And yes, Martin reflection would be his embodiment to attract many young women as much as he wants.


It was almost four o’clock in the morning when Daniel brought Rosalie home. When Rosalie was out the car after they kissed goodbye, Daniel drove his car into the front of his apartment while Rosalie walked to her house. As Rosalie put the key to the keyhole she stopped and looked back. She was right, the car that was parked in front of her house was the car of Martin. *to be continued* Remy Dorio